
Via Temistocle Calzecchi, Milan

Type: Stanza condivisa (20 ㎡) nel Appartamenti
Prezzo €450
A disposizione 08-06-2024
indirizzo Via Temistocle Calzecchi
proprietà della casa/td>
Codice Postale 20133
città Milan

Bed for rent in a shared room in an apartment with 3 bedrooms and AC and balcony in Citt`a Studi The super student share Because you're looking for the basics Will I like it here? Depends. Are you looking for a charming home to share with other students? Then check out this nice spot. Really? Tell me more... You'll have all the essentials in this adorable apartment. With spacious bedrooms, 2 lovely balconies to enjoy, and AC to keep you cool in the summer, this is a down-to-earth spot. We think this is a great place for a bunch of on-the-go students who want to meet others int the...

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Via Temistocle Calzecchi